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Rustic Elegance Bouquet

Bring a touch of timeless beauty to your loved one's day with our Rustic Elegance Bouquet. This stunning arrangement features gorgeous protea, graceful chrysanthemum disbud, elegant oriental lilies, eye-catching snapdragons, and an array of foliage including leucadendron, magnolia, after dark, thryptomene, dusty miller, and celosia. Expertly crafted by our florists, this bouquet exudes rustic charm and delicate elegance, making it the perfect gift for any celebration. Whether you're saying "I love you" or simply sending your best wishes, our Rustic Elegance Bouquet is sure to impress.


Dress to impress with a vase?

Vases have been matched to your chosen arrangement to enhance their display. Your gift will arrive already arranged inside the vase, water and all.

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